Badlands National Park to Rocky Mountains National Park.
Below the video clip you find the Redbone song “We are all wounded in wounded knee” This song was banned in the USA in the seventies while, it scored high and became number one on some of the European hit parades.
the first major conflict in 1890 between the native Americans and the Federal Government.
WOUNDED KNEE MASSACRE (Remember the song “we are all wounded at wounded knee”
The U.S. Army stopped the Ghost Dance movement, on December 14, 1890. People fled the reservation but surrendered on the night of December 28. The group was surrounded and disarmed when a scuffle broke out over a rifle. A shot went off within the group of struggling men, and, from close range, the soldiers, fired into the crowd killing many of them instantly. Those who fled were pursued, and some were killed miles from the camp. Although the total number of Native people who died during the Wounded Knee Massacre is unknown, 150–300 men, women, and children were killed by U.S. troops.
146 men, women, and children were buried by the U.S. Army in a mass grave soon after the massacre. At least 28 U.S. soldiers were killed.
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