Throughout its 118-year history, Las Vegas has been known as the planet’s premier destination for gambling – and for good reason. This desert metropolis has more places to try your hand with Lady Luck than any other city in the world. But Sin City’s entertainment options have become more diverse since Covid and so have the boutique hotels in this new era of Las Vegas,
The city used covid to improve properties aiming at more well healed tourist. Amazing Las Vegas shows and during our visit U2 was performing in the planet’s largest Spherical Sor Structure.
The entire exterior of the Sphere is cloaked in 1.2 million LED lights, which has the effect of transforming the Sphere into an almost lifelike replica of whatever images the screen projects.
The city is pulsing with innovation, yet still holds firm to the attractions that first put the city on the map.
Remember what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.